Food in the Pantry

Food in the Pantry

husked maize with two men sifting through it by hand

Food in the Pantry

UNM archaeologist and Prof. Keith Prufer co-led a team excavating a site in Belize that uncovered evidence of how maize, a critical staple food in Central America, went hand in hand with human migration.

The paper’s title says it all. “South -to-north migration preceded the advent of intensive farming in the Maya region” was published in the journal Nature Communications in March.

Working in the remote Maya Mountains of Belize, Prufer’s team excavated 25 burial sites and, using stable isotope-labeled DNA, discovered evidence that farmers moved from the south 6,500 years ago, bringing with them seeds that changed the makeup of the region.

“We see the migration of these people as fundamentally important for development of farming and, eventually, large Maya-speaking communities,” said Prufer, who directs UNM’s Environmental Archaeology Lab. Maize — or corn — could be grown and stored, giving communities a reliable source of protein and sugar and allowing them to stay in one place.

Fall 2022 Mirage Magazine Features


Bigger, Then Smarter

Bigger, Then Smarter

four ancient mammal concept are depicted in panes

Bigger, Then Smarter

Mammals have the largest brains in relation to body size among vertebrates, but which came first? New research that examined the assumption that enlarging brains led to larger body sizes in mammalian evolution found instead that body size was the first to increase, followed by bigger brains.

UNM Biology Prof. Felisa Smith, an expert on body size evolution and president-elect of the American Society of Mammalogists, was asked by the prestigious journal Science to interpret the new findings, which looked at the explosion of mammalian diversification after dinosaurs went extinct.

“But did brain size also increase proportionately? The study, it turns out, showed that it didn’t,” Smith said. “Essentially mammals got bigger and ‘dumber’ first. Once these body size niches were all full, then there was strong selection on brain size and mammal brain size increased.”


“Brains are energetically expensive, which means that if you had two animals of the same size, the one with the larger brain would require much more energy (food) to survive. Because energy is often limiting for animals, this means that other activities, and especially reproduction, are scaled down. Indeed, animals with relatively larger brains for their bodies have lower reproductive rates,” Smith said.

Fall 2022 Mirage Magazine Features

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Shelf Life – Books by UNM Alumni

Shelf Life – Books by UNM Alumni

books covers for Shelf Life fall 2022

Shelf Life – Books by UNM Alumni

Sacred Bridge by Anne Hillerman cover

Anne Hillerman (’72 BA), who took up the Chee-Leaphorn mystery series after the death of her father, Tony Hillerman, brings the series into the serpentine coves of Lake Powell and the modern challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the marijuana industry in The Sacred Bridge (Harper, 2022). Lt. Leaphorn is still retired and suddenly acting frisky; Jim Chee is second in command at the Shiprock District of the Navajo Nation Police and wondering if it’s time for a change; and Bernadette Manuelito, his wife, is contemplating becoming a detective. The Sacred Bridge has everything a fan of the series could want: parallel plot lines with danger galore, side trips into Diné history and culture; and the deepening relationship between Chee and Manuelito. Yes, it’s a page turner, but it also offers the frequent surprise of perfect little sentences like this: “Driving another man’s truck felt odd, like wearing another person’s shoes.”

Valles Caldera book cover

Don J. Usner (’91 MA) has been carrying on a love affair with the Valles Caldera in northern New Mexico for years. Usner, a photographer, brings his cameras to the special place every chance he gets and has documented the landscape through the years, seasons and change in land ownership. With author William deBuys, Usner published Valles Caldera (Museum of New Mexico Press) in 2006. Since then, the nearly 90,000-acre former ranch has become a part of the National Park Service and named Valles Caldera National Preserve. With a new preface, this revised and expanded edition is filled with photographs of the stunning 13-mile wide bowl created by a volcanic eruption more than a million years ago. The reverence Usner and deBuys hold for the land is imbued in the more than 200 pages of this large format book.

Texas Place Names cover

Edward Callary (’68 MA) is a professor emeritus at Northern Illinois University and Jean K. Callary is a writer and editor. The couple live in Austin, Texas, and have an apparent affinity for and take an obvious delight in the place names that dot the Lone Star State. In Texas Place Names (University of Texas Press, 2020) they divide the massive state into towns and counties, of which there are thousands, and list them alphabetically. There are 66 entries beginning with LA alone, including Lazbuddie (named after founding merchants Luther “Laz” Green and Andrew “Buddie” Sherley), which you might have driven through on your way East out of Clovis. It sits not far from Muleshoe, named — you guessed it — after a mule shoe a rancher found in early 1900 when he was considering names for his ranch. In these entertaining and informative (nearly 400) pages you can divine the origins of Ding Dong, Telephone and Bug Tussel as well as Grit, Uncertain, Frognot, Dimple and Dime Box.

Mission to Mars cover

The name Larry S. Crumpler (’97 MS) is well known to anyone with an interest in Mars. The planetary geologist – research curator of Volcanology and Space Science at The New Mexico Museum of Natural History, as well as member of the NASA Mars Perseverance Rover mission team — is so connected to Mars that one geographical location on the red planet has been unofficially named Larry’s Lookout. So who else to write a hefty 300-plus page tome on the exploration of Mars? Missions to Mars (Harper Design, 2021) is chock full of maps and color photos and narrated as only Crumpler could, with intimate knowledge of the Opportunity, Spirit and Perseverance rover missions. “Mission to Mars” also serves as a professional autobiography of Crumpler, who began his life in the space age peering at the sky through a telescope in his backyard and honed his interest in space while he was a graduate student in UNM’s Department of Geology. Crumpler takes through the story of Mars exploration from his first job in 1976 helping to choose the landing site of the Viking 2 Lander to his place on the Perseverance mission in 2020.

Women of the Ivory Coast and Mali cover

Nancy Lensen-Tomasson (’73 MA, ’78 MFA) was an associate professor of photography at Virginia Commonwealth University from 1979 to 1996. In 1989 she joined a group from the Parsons School of Design for five weeks of study in the Ivory Coast in West Africa. Her aim was to photograph women in their daily lives as she puts it, “revealing their communal, creative and spiritual contributions to their cultures.” In 1992, she joined a group from the Museum of African Art in New York for a stint in Mali, focusing on the cultures of the Bama, Bozo, Fulani and Gogan people. A lot has changed in Ivory Coast and Mali since then. Ivory Coast underwent civil war and Mali has undergone numerous military coups. Women cooking, dancing, tending yam fields, planting millet, weaving grass mats and firing pots fill the pages of Women of the Ivory Coast and Mali: Photographs of a Heritage (2021). In a foreword, Steve Yates, the founding curator of photography at the Museum of New Mexico, notes that the dozens of photographs collected in this book “stand as unique testimony now.”

Was it Spectactular cover

Anne B. Thomas (’80 BUS, ’83 JD) is 18 and just out of a long painful rehab for a broken spinal cord. Once again, she is in a doctor’s office for a complication from her injury, this time a urinary tract infection. The doctor looks at her file and says, “I think you need to seriously consider checking yourself into a nursing home.” It will prevent her from becoming a lifelong burden to her family, he says. Thomas is devastated and forms a steely resolve to prove him wrong. Paralyzed in a car accident in Spain in 1976, Thomas enrolls at UNM at 20 and begins to live an independent life that will take her to Washington, D.C., to work for the Equal Opportunity Commission and the World Bank. In Was it Spectacular? (Allison M. Yabroff, 2020), Thomas, who died in 2019, recounts her struggles and triumphs. In 1990, she returned to UNM and served as director of the Office of Equal Opportunity. “Ever since the accident,” Thomas writes, “I’ve listened to that voice inside me that guides me, urges me on, encourages me to try. There is no regret. The accident forged me, toughened me, drove me to achieve, to prove my worth. It’s been a good ride.” Proceeds of the book go to the Anne B. Thomas No Bounds Scholarship at the UNM Foundation.

Ramadan in Summer cover

Bruce Parker (’81 MA) has collected two dozen poems in Ramadan in Summer (Finishing Line Press, 2022). Parker, worked abroad with the State Department, and his title poem explores the push and pull of fasting during Ramadan in Islamabad where he worked. In other poems, he explores the transitions and impermanence of life. “A Blameless Life” is short and elegant: “I sit/and nap/ in the hot sun, /still until/ my dream dries up, then/ go inside. Indoors I wake,/dodge the smother of sleep,/put it off./Call me into the shade,/mine a blameless/ life when my acts/are forgotten, this age/not held against me.”

Thin Veil cover

Bob Rosebrough (’75 BA, ’78 JD) describes his adopted hometown of Gallup, N.M., as simultaneously wonderful and terrible. Raised in Farmington, another border town, but more segregated between whites and Navajos, Rosebrough strikes out for Gallup after he graduates from law school, eager to make his way in an entirely different milieu. In A Place of Thin Veil (Rio Nuevo Publishers, 2022), which is as much Gallup’s memoir as Rosebrough’s, the lawyer who will become mayor recounts the western outpost’s history, demography and geography as he writes about his own life’s path. Key to Rosebrough’s understanding of Gallup are some seminal events: in 1973 when Larry Casuse, a Navajo UNM student, kidnapped Gallup’s mayor hostage at gunpoint in City Hall and then was shot to death; in the 1980s when Gallup’s problems with alcohol gain nationwide attention; and during Rosebrough’s terms as mayor as he works for alcohol reform. “I find myself thinking that while some of the terrible side of Gallup is obvious to most,” Rosebrough writes, “the wonderful side is equally real, even though it’s less apparent to the outsiders.”

Mango, Mambo, and Murder cover

Miriam Quinones Smith, a dissertation away from a PhD in anthropology from New York University, is adrift in Miami, the hometown of her husband. Staying home with her toddler and trying to assimilate into the Miami social scene, she is drawn into intrigue when a country club luncheon ends with a tablemate dead, face-down in her banquet chicken salad. Mango, Mamba, and Murder (Crooked Lane, 2021), the first outing of Raquel V. Reyes (’92 BAFA) moves quickly and brightly, with Spanish sprinkled generously and warm repartee between Quinones Smith and her best friend from childhood, Alma Diaz, a fellow Cubana. When Alma gets arrested for the socialite’s death, the mystery swings into stride.

Attention Published Alumni Authors:

We would like to add your book to the alumni library in Hodgin Hall and consider it for a review in Shelf Life.
Please send an autographed copy to:

Shelf Life, UNM Alumni Relations
1 UNM, MSC01-1160, Albuquerque, NM 87131

Fall 2022 Mirage Magazine Features

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From the Veep: Join Us!

From the Veep: Join Us!

UNM students walking on campus under fall leaves

From the Veep: Join Us!

Photo of Connie Beimer

When we describe the Alumni Association, we think of words like network, connection, sharing, support, enrichment and discovery. These words capture what we’re trying to accomplish with you and for you at the UNM Alumni Association. When you graduated as a Lobo, you became a Lobo for Life — an automatic member of our alumni association. And now we want to ensure you have the opportunities you want, whether it’s simply to be informed or to be actively engaged.

For those wanting to keep updated on the programs and work of the Association, there are two best places. One is The Howler, which is emailed to you on the first Thursday of each month. The second is our website, with up-to-date information on events, activities and opportunities to engage.

And of course, we know every Lobo looks forward to the Mirage magazine filled with interesting stories about our alums around the country. Our alums are doing amazing things in their jobs and communities. The interesting developments since their graduation are fascinating to discover and bring to you.

And now our biggest focus for this year is to get you involved in what we’re doing. We want you to participate, whether it’s attending an event — in person or virtually — or it’s joining a regional or affiliate chapter, a committee, or considering nominating yourself for a board member position. You could take advantage of our Lobo Career Network, which provides support to alums at every stage of their career. We’re also putting together the Alumni Business Directory to acknowledge and promote our alum-owned businesses. These opportunities and more are outlined on our website or you can reach out to us to find out more.

An here’s a reminder of an easy way to help the Alumni Association: When it comes time to renew your vehicle registration, order a UNM prestige plate. It’s a great way to support your alumni association activities.

I’d like to conclude with a special congratulations to our Alumni Emeriti. We enjoyed hosting the classes of ’70, ’71 and ’72 this past May at Hodgin Hall for a reception, breakfast with President Stokes, a tour of campus and concluding with the Commencement ceremony and special recognition of our alums. See our photo section for more.

To all of you Lobo for Lifers, we appreciate your support and engagement with UNM and the UNM Alumni Association. Go Lobos!

Connie Beimer
Vice President for Alumni Relations, UNM
Executive Director, UNM Alumni Association

Spring 2022 Mirage Magazine Features

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In Memoriam – Fall 2022

In Memoriam – Fall 2022

In Memoriam – Fall 2022


Last fall, we changed software systems for gathering information which includes the listings for alums who have died this past year. If the name of a loved one who died between January 1 and June 31, 2022 is not included in these pages, please accept our condolences and know we want to honor your family member or friend in our alumni magazine. Please let us know their name via email at We will include the name in the In Memoriam section of our Spring 2023 print issue.


Singer, Jerre J. ’41
DeHerrera, Lena C. ’45
Ullom, Beryl ’46
Goode Jr., Nathan E. ’48

Riley, Brent Locke ’48
Silver, Leon Theodore ’48
Galloway, Lewis Dayton ’49
Gentry, Mary Severns ’49 ’51

Gordon, Larry J. ’49 ’51
Hofheins, Mareth C. ’49
Lareau, Richard J. ’49
Warren Jr., Harold J. ’49


Gay, Thomas David ’50
Korte, Merle ’50 ’59
Krug, Roland W. ’50
Riebe, Norman W. ’50
Savisky, Evelyn Idell ’50
Tischhauser Jr., John Lewis ’50
Zarate, Narcisa ’50
Asher, James John ’51
Gallegos, Arthur Abran ’51
Sundt, Dolores ’51 ’69
Tidenberg, Harold Eugene ’51
Ansley, Frances ’52
Hollander, Milton ’52
Murrell, John Thomas ’52
Chidichimo, Frank ’53
MaGill, Perry W. ’53
Castillo, Francis L. ’54
Church, Hugh W. ’54
Kahn, Ruth C. ’54
Marlin, Elmer David ’54
Nuckolls, Barbara A. ’54
Seese, William S. ’54 ’59
Wootton, Robert Joseph ’54
Grady, William G. ’55 ’59
Isaacson, Daniel ’55
Krogius, Barbara ’55
Sneddon Jr., Alexander Rick ’55
Bolling, Harriette Nell ’56
Knott, LaRoy ’56
Luke, Joan Marie ’56
Roybal, Benigno ’56
Sanchez, Lydia Rose ’56 ’66
Yrene, Carl S. ’56
Ahr, August Edward ’57 ’59
Crowley, Dennis Esler ‘57
Drake, Richard Warren ‘57
Kirk, Leon S. ‘57
Miller Jr., DeWayne A. ‘57
Pineda, Gustavo Salaiz ‘57
Scott, John P. ‘57
Torres, Gilbert A. ‘57
Vivian, Richard Gwinnett ‘57 ‘60
Mahr, Michael J. ‘58
Stahl, Carol Ann ‘58
Steward, William Paul ‘58
Blewett, Patrick J. ‘59
Gray, Anthony J. ‘59
Lunt, Richard Deforrest ‘59
Montoya, Fanny ‘59
Noble, Doris B. ‘59 ‘68
Trodden, Marie L. ‘59


Dahlgren, Patricia A. ’60
Lepp, Richard Lawrence ’60
Lucero, J. Carlos ’60
McKinley, Elaine Kay ’60
Mohr, Paul B. ’60
Perkins, Don A. ’60
Schlecht, Richard G. ’60
Cole, James Kenneth ’61 ’66
Gere, Frank S. ’61
Gunn III, Gordon McKay ’61
Ingalls Jr., Melvin N. ’61
Jaramillo, James C. ’61
Kelly, Eleanor N. ’61
Meiering, Robert Arthur ’61
Richards, James Edward ’61
Salome, Edward M. ’61
Brooks, John H. ’62
Wood, Wanda J. ’62
Bybee, Roger ’63
Grasse, William D. ’63 ’68
Ogurchak, Joseph G. ’63
Thompson, Sharon S. ’63
Abeyta, Severiano Joe ’64
Conoly, Walle Merritt ’64
D‘Arms, Philip Wilton ’64
Dodd, Nancy Elizabeth ’64 ’89
Emrick, Billy Roy ’64
Jeanjaquet, Joann ’64
Kirkpatrick, Marilyn K. ’64
Luxford II, William R. ’64
Rawlinson, Kim Thompson ’64 ’70 ’72
Reimer, Beverly Ann ’64
Bolling, George H. ’65
Copeland, Sharon Lee ’65
Ferguson, Mary Ann ’65
Hicks, Howard E. ’65
Leonard, Carol Marie ’65 ’69
Nichols, Julian S. ’65 ’67
Schofield, Sue Frances ’65 ’68
Singer, Carol Margery ’65 ’82
Stalheim, William ’65
Beavis, Mary H. ’66 ’71
Mahood, Mary Louise ’66
Robbins, Jeffrey H. ’66
Schoen, Rodric B. ’66
Ward, John W. ’66
Cummings, Isabel Lucero ’67
Haney, Catherine Park ’67
Parrish, John Michael ’67
Pritchard, Barbara D. ’67
Snider, Harold E. ’67
Trujillo, Daniel Juan ’67
Cooper, Barbara Kays ’68
Goldenberg, Karolyn ’68
Guist, Carl Glenn ’68
Chilcoat, Gary Dean ’69
Clark, Kirk A. ’69
Conner, Molly G. ’69
Jones, Ellen Mccanna ’69
Naberezny, Thomas P. ’69
Romero, James Peter ’69
Suazo, Norman T. ’69
Timm, Christopher Matthew ’69
Wenner, Donald Edward ’69
Winslow, Kathleen M. ’69 ’74


Benyak, Diane Marie ’70 ’71
Foy, Richard Edward ’70
McMullin, Richard Var ’70
Olmi, Antonio Michael ’70
Rummell, Frederick W. ’70
Taylor Jr., Edward W. ’70
Vichi, Don Craig ’70
Brannen, Mary Elizabeth ’71
Camp, William Curtis ’71 ’74
Catron Jr., James W. ’71 ’74
Eberhardt, Allan R. ’71
Finnegan, Michael Patrick ’71
Hansen, Susan ’71
Lavin, Susan Joan ’71
Macaluso, Carl A. ’71 ’77
Pearson II, Charles W. ’71
Ahumada, Eduardo Antonio ’72 ’77
Dodson, Richard A. ’72
McDowell, Kathryn Elizabeth ’72
Carlsten Sr., Ronald Wayne ’73
Condie, Carol J. ’73
Crawford, Donna Ann ’73
Holm, Wayne Stanley ’73
Klingbeil, Robert H. ’73
Lybarger, Judith Kay ’73
Roper, Carol Louise ’73
Shaffer, Randy Alan ’73
Skinner, George Franklin ’73
Tipton, Kevin William ’73
Valdez, Mateo ’73
Blum, Richard Dale ’74
Brown Simmons, Barbara Ann ’74
Kaplan, Bradley J. ’74
Murphy, Marilyn ’74
Ostling, Karl Francis ’74
Quintana, Michael A. ’74
Redmore, Gary Richard ’74
Sansoucie, Madie Felix ’74
Thompson, Meredith A. ’74
Bradley, Omar C. ’75 ’76
Martin, Pete Albert ’75
Peckinpaugh, Dennis P. ’75
Wood, Diane Marie ’75
Mason, Lavona Wreath ’76
Repko, Linda Lee ’76
Rogers, Patrick Joseph ’76
Swennes, Amy E. ’76
Terlecki, Steven W. ’76
White, Sarah Jane ’76
Gonzales, David A. ’77
Merritt, David Russell ’77
Tiefa, Marc Bradley ’77
Davis, Philip Bradley ’78
Garth, Janet Elliott ’78
Glass, Gordon ’78
Gray, David Gibson ’78
Heim, Sue E. ’78
Marquez, Maria Teresa ’78
Garcia, Maxine R. ’79
Henry, John Clifford ’79
Riggins, Leslie Erickson Ohl ’79
Takasugi, Richard Mark ’79


Corle, Steven Garver ’80
Johnson, Patty Ann ’80
Lester, James Lee ’80 ’88
Martinez, Juan Jose ’80 ’83
Montoya, Freddie Paul ’80
O‘Connor, Mary Ellen ’80 ’83
Thompson, Donald Gene ’80
Carter, Alice S. ’81
Koch, William Paul ’81
Larsen, Craig Richard ’81
Lockwood, Robert E. ’81
Officer, Sara Ann ’81
Ogilvie, Kenneth Mackey ’81
Anderson, Saundra E. ’82 ’93
Binford, Martha Riley ’82 ’00
Bustamante, Lorenzo ’82
Hartman, Gregory Vance ’82
McFadden, Marise Friesen ’82 ’97
Bustamante, Adrian Herminio ’83
Chacon, Lawrence Edward ’83 ’86
Hertweck, Roy Michael ’83
Mascolo, Richard Lewis ’83 ’86
Sandoval, Betty Loretta ’83 ’88
Epler, William Christopher ’84 ’94
Menapace, Diane Michele ’84 ’86
Prevot Jr., Leon M. ’84 ’91
Wolf, Eric William ’84
Magee, Sherry Lynn ’86
Perea, Paul Richard ’86
Reynolds, Holly C. ’86
Holmes, Lawrence Marvin ’87
Kurens, Maris ’87
Lane, Richard Ralph ’87
Triplett, Tony Leon ’87
Walters, Susan Elaine ’87
Carrillo, Andrew Joseph ’88
Freeman, Carol Ruth ’88
Harris, Joel Lon ’88
Henderson, Charles David ’88
Schlife, John Eugene ’89
Stepleton, John David ’89


Chavez, Pearl Diane Gomez ’90
Klossner, Carol Halcyon ’90
Maddy, Eric Damon ’90
McCarthy-Logan, Shannon Marie ’90 ’93
Nigg, Lorrain Cheryl ’90
Root, Thomas Lindsey ’91 ’99
Schwartzman, Sherrell Gene ’91
Walker, Jerry Lee ’91 ’94
Kottmann, John Henry ’92
Schatzman, Thomas F. ’92
Spencer, Dennis Jay ’92
Forrester-Day, Renee Yvonne ’93
Jennings, Elva O. ’93
Stixrud, Frederick J. ’93
Garcia, Gloria G. ’94
Glass, Patricia Suzanne ’94
Godshall, Ned Allen ’94 ’94
McCrossen-Klaus, Celia Camille ’94
Sauder, Shannon Leigh ’94
Calvert, Marc Douglas ’95
Cousineau, Todd Anthony ’95
Garcia, Blanca A. ’95 ’99
Navarro, Christian Cuauhtemoc ’95
Sanchez, Patrick Edward ’95
Morales, Juana Ofelia ’96
Duncan, Nora Kathleen ’97
Ayze, Joseph ’98
Bennett, Angela L. ’98
Davis, Anna Kathryn ’98
Edwards Jr., Willard Arthur ’98
Ellison, Kelly Jean ’98
Goettler, Edward Lee ’98 ’03
Wright, Bradley Kirk ’98
Lehnert, Nancy Marie ’99
Raynovich, Mary Catherine ’99
Van Leeuwen, Brian Peter ’99


Gonzales, Mark F. ’00
James, Steven Andrew ’00
Goetz, Therese Elizabeth ’01
Riggs, Randall Wayne ’01
Sharer, Elizabeth Jean ’01
Harley, Lee Brigit ’02
Lonning, Greg C. ’02
Rivera-Smith, Andrea Yvonne ’02
Peterson, Lorene Michelle ’03
Goodfellow, Douglas Devin ’05 ’10
Gilson, William C. ’07
Bologna, Grace Lorraine ’08
Skelton, Barbara Jane ’08
Begay, Velda J. ’09
Kalosky, Ethan K. ’09
Ortega, Andrea R. ’09


Platero, Erica D. ’10
Flores, David J. ’11 ’13
Leverett, Benjamin Joseph ’11
Miller, Melvina P. ’11
Weaver, Julie ’12
Abbott, Nicholas A. ’13 ’16
Pearlman-Flores, Alexis Nicole ’13
Tompkins, Jonathan ’13
Martinez, Liana K. ’14
Morgan, Damon Emrys ’14
Benavidez, Vanessa Marie ’15 ’19
Diaz, Christina Marie ’15 ’19
Medina, Adelmo R. ’15
Miners, Catherine S. ’15
Wilson, Joan Elizabeth ’15
Fraitekh, Ryan Kareem ’16 ’19
Williams, Tsianina Eileen ’16
Croteau, David H. ’17
Maurer, Viridiana ’17
Campbell, Mark Allen ’18
Killman, Joshua Yves ’18
Rader, Ross Andrew ’18
Bunch-Sutton, Katherine G. ’19


Holsten, Jarrett Scott ’21
Savage, Jackson Stuart ’21
Valerio, Nicole Andrea ’22

Faculty & Staff

Leason Cherry
Kenneth F. Crumley
Michael Dougher
Rolf J. Kolden
Jimmie L. Reed
Deborah Rifenbary
Eric Andrew Rombach-Kendall
Scott Wilkinson

Other Alumni

Antinone, Kouri Zoa
Harper, Katherine Louise
Macaron Jr., Joe
Richards, Ronna Shaye
Utley, Robert M.

Fall 2022 Mirage Magazine Features

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