My Alumni Story – Griff Lamar
I was stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base when I took my first college course via the base education center. At the time I wasn’t sure if college was the best route for me. But shortly after completing my Air Force tenure I got in touch with the Veteran & Military Resource Center at The University of New Mexico. The help and resources they provided gave me confidence to start my journey at UNM. Initially, I wasn’t sure which degree program to follow. I have a passion for creating music, but I also wanted to cast a wide net for job opportunities. I decided on a degree that would make me marketable for an “everyday job” while providing me with the knowledge and skill set essential to marketing myself as an artist: Enter the Marketing Management BBA. While studying at the Anderson School of Management, I learned about the ins and outs of market research, applying marketing strategies and marketing management.
Since graduating, my degree has provided me with the opportunity to work with disabled veterans. Additionally, I’ve applied the marketing skills I acquired as a student to pursue my passion as an artist, such as networking, social media marketing and designing/promoting my own apparel. Although I recently moved to Dallas, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience the culture of UNM as part of my story. I very much look forward to continuing to utilize my education to establish myself as an artist/entrepreneur. You can hear my music on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and all other streaming platforms; just search ‘Griff Lamar.’ You can also find me on Instagram @grifflamar22.
Everyone’s a LOBO!
Griff Lamar (’17 BBA)