Good To Be Back
After more than a year of remote instruction, online gatherings and cancelled events, The University of New Mexico is delighted to return to full operations for the Fall 2021 semester. That means a return to in-person instruction, a return to meeting each other at places other than Zoom or Teams and a return to the kinds of face-to-face social interactions that are a vital part of Lobo life — and make for a lifetime of Lobo memories.
But if it feels like a return to normal, it’s not — or at least not yet. With COVID still a very real concern in communities across New Mexico and the nation, we’re doing everything we can to ensure the entire UNM community is as safe as we can possibly make it. We’re continuing to follow the science, which includes listening to our experts at the UNM Health Sciences Center, and we’ve put in place vaccination and masking requirements to keep our pack protected. Keeping our communities safe is everyone’s responsibility, and I feel good about what Lobos are doing to look out for their own health, and the health and well-being of others.
And so far, so good. The doors at UNM are fully open, and it’s great seeing, and hearing, our campus return to life. We’ve missed our students, faculty and staff, and we’re looking forward to getting together for the gatherings and activities that define the Lobo experience — whether it’s participating in our Welcome Back Days activities, cheering on our Lobo athletes from the stands, or just greeting colleagues at the SUB or meeting friends at the Duck Pond. Our alumni, too, have plenty of great activities planned, from chile roasts to tailgate parties, so keep an eye out for opportunities to get together with your fellow Lobos again. It’s been far too long.
And speaking of our Alumni Association, you may have picked up this issue of Mirage in your inbox, instead of your mailbox. Across our campuses, we’re taking to heart many of the lessons we learned over the last year — and even as the world reopens, we’re striving to make more resources more readily available online to keep you informed of what’s going on around campus and around the Lobo community, delivered in a format that works best for you.
We’re so glad to be back, and I’m grateful to our students, faculty, staff and alumni who helped us make it through the last eighteen tumultuous months. With your support and enthusiasm, the Lobo community is stronger and more connected than ever — and looking forward to a great Fall together.
Garnett S. Stokes
President, The University of New Mexico